
User login to the terminal (POS) can be set in the Vento system administration. Login options are via 

chip / card, numeric code entry or interactive login (user / password). The user will be able to log in to the terminal / mobile terminal if he has assigned access data and is added to the outlet.

1. To create a new waiter/employee, click on POS - Waiters.

New waiter - Clicking on this button you enter a new employee.

Name -  Name of employee.

Group - Group, superior category of employee. It serves mainly for further distribution of rights for the use of POS.

The icon indicates whether the employee is activated..

Icon is used to edit employee.

You can delete employee clicking on this icon.

2. Fill in details and click on Save/Save and new.

Full name - Name of employee.

Group - Group, superior category of employee. It serves mainly for further distribution of rights for the use of POS.

Language - Selection of employee language.

Active - Activation of employee.

RFID - Login with chip / numeric code.

Card number - Card login - code used by the card. Login using a card is possible only if a card reader is installed and set up at the terminal.

Username - Username to log in.

Password - Password to log in.

Save - You will save employee with details in the system.

Save and new - Save employee details and open a new form for setting up a new waiter/employee.

Back - Pressing the Back button returns the user to the previous page without saving the entered values or returns to the start page.

Add user to outlets:

Adding a user to an outlet is done directly in the outlet detail using the function in the right panel Users. Select the outlet by clicking on the name of outlet to which waiter/employee will be added.

3. Go to POS - Outlets.

4. Select the outlet by clicking on the name of outlet to which waiter/employee will be added.

5. Click on icon Users.

6.  Select user from menu and push button Allow user.

With this icon you can delete user from the list.

Users - Selection of user.

Allow user - By click on this button you add employee/waiter to outlet.

Back - Pressing the Back button returns the user to the previous page without saving the entered values.

Waiter groups:

Defining groups allows you to define individual rights for POS users

(employees / waiters).

Setting up and creating groups can be done by the user in the Vento system administration as follows.

1. POS - Waiter groups.

2. Click on New group.

New group -Clicking on this button will open form for creating of new group.

Icon is used for editing.

Icon is used to delete the group.

3. Fill in the necessary data and check the user rights that we want to grant for the given group of employees/waiters. Then press Save.

Name - Name of the waiter group (eg waiters, shift managers, admin, and others).

Predefined discounts - The option to define fixed percentage discounts that the waiter/employee will be able to use when making a payment. If you want add more discounts separate with a space on keyboard (e.g. 10% 50%).

Individual discount - You can allow the use of any discount when paying.

Rights - Rights definition, which are possible to add or take to different groups of waiters/employees.

Save - Pressing the Save button saves the entered parameters to the system.

TIP: How to create a user to log in to the Vento backoffice can be found in this article.